Monday, December 14, 2009

7 days at sea!

It's been an interesting 7 days- I'd never really spend much time on a boat beyond a day trip here and there- never slept on a boat- and the past 7 days has been all spent in the ocean- the sensation of the room rocking is still continuing! So many stories; the rescue of the snorkelers, feeding the fish with squished flies on the million may fly island, the 1 minutes showers, Jade - the finest cook to ever sail the seven seas, the underwater observatory in need of serious repair (pete's personal favorite part of the trip!), the endless stream of traveling Eurpoeans, and many more, but I shall cut to the best stories, the reef and the boat! But those will come tomorrow as tonight it's sleepy time. But here's a few pictures to wet your appetite:

1 comment:

  1. great pictures! I envy the summer time there. It is really cold here...
