Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The beginning and reunion in LA

Well the journey has started! It was a relatively short hop over to LAX where I am now waiting for a much longer Qantas flight to Auckland. 13 hours! Good thing it leaves at midnight so hopefully exhaustion will kick in and I'll be able to snooze a good bit of the flight away!

The other big event today is meeting up with my old friend Bayard. Bayard and I met in 7th grade, which would mean we've been friends for 28 years! Not only is Bayard one hell of a good bloke, but he's the best traveling companion anyone could ask for. Easygoing, rarely stinky and always up for an adventure. Not to mention funny. He's had many a clever quote, but two of him most memorable are 'I feel like I'm made of mucus"  once when he was feeling under the weather, and "Why didn't you tell me how much fun drinking and smoking can be!" when he got his first taste of said indulgences at the age of 24.

Tomorrow Auckland (although by the calendar it's two days from now!), and that's when the big adventure will start! Stay tuned for lots of pictures and hopefully some good adventures!


  1. hey peter,
    Your journey has been started already! I envy you so much...ㅎㅎ I guess you guys still in LA. Hopefully have a great fun, but don't too much without me. Say hello to Barard as well. I am looking forward to seeing a lot of beautiful and exotic pictures including you guys!!! talk later. Love, yanghee

  2. If your friends cannot lead you astray, who can??? Looking forward to new stories!

    Ah, New Zealand -- green eyes of envy here.


  3. Hey Peter! 5 WEEKS...However did you get your manager to approve time off? :-)
    Looking forward to hearing all about your trip...Linda L-C

  4. We visited Goat Is Marine Park. It's nothing special unless you are prepared to get into the water and it was way too cold for that when we were there. Suggest Waitangi Treaty Grounds (Bay of Islands) if you are headed north. Looking forward to seeing you both. Ron

  5. Keep the Bayardisms coming. The smoking and drinking quote truly confirms he is my brother!!
    Seriously, tho, so glad for you both that you are enjoying this adventure!!

    Love, Janel

  6. My boys!!!! Why my brother appears to have 2 black eyes, I don't know!!! Love you both!!!
